Religious Freedom Annual Review


Below is information on the 2024 event which has now ended. You can watch the event by selecting Resources/Past Conferences from the menu.

The 2024 program featured three sets of breakout sessions. 

Rising Generation

This set of breakouts focused on initiatives that help members of the rising generation explore peacemaking through religious pluralism and freedom. Conference attendees heard from civil society, religious, and educational groups that are innovating ways to increase interreligious understanding through educational curricula and dialogue. One of the sessions included students from BYU and Fuller Theological Seminary talking about their efforts to build peace and understanding through a series of interfaith dialogues. Others discussed practical materials being put together by groups such Braver Angels, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Southern Virginia University.


Six credit hours for Continuing Legal Education were approved for a series of breakouts that focused on legal developments in the area of religious freedom. Leading experts in First Amendment law discussed recent cases in state and federal courts and assessed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act at 30 years. One Civility credit was approved for a discussion of a new dignity index that attempts to track speech in a non-partisan way. This Dignity Index rates how contemptuous or respectful of dignity language is and offers approaches that can improve civil discourse. 

Practical Peacemakers

These sessions provided everyday examples of efforts to promote peace and more civil discussions. Presenters introduced practical approaches to help build a more pluralistic and peaceful society. Participants learned how to “disagree better” in the home, communities, and political life.  

See the program below for all Annual Review sessions

Past Annual Reviews

Please visit our Religious Freedom Annual Review event page to learn more about the caliber of presenters and quality of content this event offers.